Help File for Xindexer Pages

From the thumbnail window:

This takes you to the last bunch of thumbnails in the current gallery

This takes you to the next bunch of thumbnails in the current gallery

This shows up you can go back one directory

Click on a thumbnail to view the big picture (Dua!)

Note: Not all of the thumbnail options show up in every gallery

In the picture view page you can use these commands:

Click mouse to zoom in

Shift-Click mouse to Zoom Out

Press & hold mouse button to zoom little by little

Shift & hold mouse button to zoom out little by little

press 'a' to fit image to applet

press 'f' to get full size 1 to 1 image

press 'w' to fit to applet width

press 'h' to fit to applet height

press 'c' to center the image

From the bottom of the page view window:

This brings up the last thumbnail picture in the view window

This brings you back the the thumbnail view

This brings up the next thumbnail picture in the view window